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Lync Executable

The Lync executable can start a live sync session, build to file, and fetch downloads.

Command Line Arguments

Command Line Arguments

  • LYNC HELP - Displays the list of available arguments.
  • LYNC CONFIG - Opens the config file.
  • LYNC SERVE project.json? - Syncs the project.
  • LYNC OPEN project.json? - Builds, syncs, and opens the project in Roblox Studio.
  • LYNC BUILD project.json? - Builds the project to file.
  • LYNC FETCH project.json? - Downloads the list of sources in the project file.

project.json? - The project file to read from and serve.

Live Sync

The SERVE and OPEN modes start live sync.

OPEN functions the same as SERVE, except it also builds the project and opens it in Roblox Studio.

Connect to the session through the Roblox Studio plugin.

Build to File

The BUILD mode builds the project to a place (or model) file.

This mode works without having Roblox Studio installed and without an internet connection.

Fetch Downloads

The FETCH mode downloads the list of sources in the project file.

See project-format/project/automated-downloads.

Lync and Pronghorn released under LGPL 2.1