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Project File

Lync projects define the Instance tree inside Roblox, as well as configuring the behavior for building to file, sourcemaps, Automated Downloads, Automated Jobs, and more.


File Name

  • Default.Project.JSON
    • The default project to load when running Lync without the project file argument.
  • *.Project.JSON
    • For non-default projects.


  • name: string (Optional)
    • The name of the project for informational purposes.
  • base: string (Optional)
    • The path to the file to build in when using OPEN and BUILD modes.
    • When omitted, Lync builds in a new file.
  • build: string
    • The path to save the finished build file when using OPEN and BUILD modes.
  • port: number
    • The network port to serve the project on when using SERVE and OPEN modes.
  • collisionGroups: string (Optional)
    • The path to a file that stores collision group data.
  • servePlaceIds: {number} (Optional)
    • An array of place IDs to serve. Lync will refuse to connect if the open place ID isn't found in the array.
  • globIgnorePaths: {string} (Optional)
    • An array of glob paths to ignore when mapping the project.
  • sourcemapEnabled: {RBXM: boolean, RBXMX: boolean} (Optional)
    • Controls which types of Model Files (RBXM/RBXMX) are parsed during sourcemap generation.
  • sources: Object (Optional)
  • jobs: Object (Optional)
  • tree: Object
    • The root Instance.


The collisionGroups key is unimplemented in the BUILD mode.


	"name": "Example Project",
	"base": "Base.rbxl",
	"build": "Build.rbxl",
	"port": 34873,
	"collisionGroups": "collisionGroups.json",
	"servePlaceIds": [ 1818 ],
	"globIgnorePaths": [ "ignoredDirectory/**" ],
	"sourcemapEnabled": {
		"RBXM": true,
		"RBXMX": true
	"sources": { ... },
	"jobs": { ... },

	"tree": {

Instance Definitions


  • $className: string (Optional)
    • Has no effect when $path is specified.
  • $path: (string | Object) (Optional)
    • A path to a file or directory that overrides the Instance Definition.
    • Use "$path": { "optional": "..." } when the file or directory could possibly be non-existant.
    • Use "$path": { "package": "...", "type": "..." } for Packages.
  • $properties: {[string]: any} (Optional)
    • Functions as instance[property] = value.
  • $attributes: {[string]: any} (Optional)
    • Functions as instance:SetAttribute(attribute, value).
  • $tags: {string} (Optional)
    • Functions as CollectionService:AddTag(instance, tag).
  • $clearOnSync: boolean (Optional)
    • When true, the associated Instance and its descendants will be destroyed in Studio when performing sync operations.
    • Useful for clearing unmapped content when modifications are made outside your active live sync session.


Values not storable in JSON, like Enum, Color3, Vector3 and so on, should be represented as a single Lua string wrapped inside an array (e.g., [ "Value" ].)


"Wood Brick": {
	"$className": "Part",
	"$properties": {
		"Color": [ "Color3.fromRGB(132, 66, 4)" ],
		"Material": [ "Enum.Material.Wood" ],
		"Transparency": 0,
		"Position": [ ", 10, 0)" ],
		"Anchored": true
	"$attributes": {
		"ExampleAttribute": true
	"$tags": [ "ExampleTag1", "ExampleTag2", "ExampleTag3" ]



  • $terrainRegion: {[1]: string, [2]: Lua, [3]: boolean} (Optional)
    • Functions as Terrain:PasteRegion(region, corner, pasteEmptyCells).
  • $terrainMaterialColors: {[string]: Lua} (Optional)
    • Functions as Terrain:SetMaterialColor(material, value).


"Workspace": {
	"Terrain": {
		"$terrainRegion": [ "Assets/TerrainRegion.rbxm", [ ", -32000, -32000)" ], true ],
		"$terrainMaterialColors": {
			"Grass": [ ", 0.5, 0)" ]

Lync and Pronghorn released under LGPL 2.1