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JSON Models

JSON Models describe a simple set of Instances.

Unlike Model Files (RBXM/RBXMX;) their data is limited to that which can be assigned by a script (e.g., no MeshPart data.)


File Name

  • *.Model.JSON


  • name: string (Optional)
  • className: string (Optional)
  • properties: {[string]: any} (Optional)
    • Functions as instance[property] = value.
  • attributes: {[string]: any} (Optional)
    • Functions as instance:SetAttribute(attribute, value).
  • tags: {string} (Optional)
    • Functions as CollectionService:AddTag(instance, tag)
  • children: {Instance} (Optional)


A JSON Model describing a Model containing a small green Part and a RemoteEvent would be written as a file named {example}.Model.JSON with:

    "name": "Money",
	"className": "Model",
	"children": [
			"className": "Part",
			"properties": {
				"BrickColor": [ "\"Bright green\")" ],
				"Size": [ ", 0.4, 2)" ]
			"name": "CollectMoney",
			"className": "RemoteEvent"

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