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Supported Files

Different file types are synced into the place in different forms.

All forms of Roblox content can be stored on the filesystem and synced.

Supported Files

ConceptFile ExtensionClassName
Directoriesany directoryFolder
ScriptsLUA/LUAULuaSourceContainer *
Model FilesRBXM/RBXMXVaries
JSON TablesJSONModuleScript
YAML TablesYAMLModuleScript
TOML TablesTOMLModuleScript
Plain TextTXTStringValue
Localization TableCSVLocalizationTable
Child Projects*.Project.JSONVaries
Meta Files*.Meta.JSONVaries
JSON Models*.Model.JSONVaries
Excel Tables*.Excel.JSONModuleScript

* Can be ModuleScript, Script, or LocalScript depending on the Directives present.

See project-format/files/scripts#script-directives.


Localization Tables are unimplemented in the BUILD mode.

Lync and Pronghorn released under LGPL 2.1