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Automated Downloads

Automated Downloads send HTTP requests and download the hosts' responses to file.

All sources are downloaded in sequence by using the FETCH mode.



  • name: string
    • The name of the source for informational purposes.
  • url: string
    • The URL for the request.
  • type: string
    • The HTTP method for the request.
    • Must be GET or POST.
  • headers: {[string]: string}
    • The headers for the request.
  • postData: (string | Object)
    • The data to submit in POST requests.
  • path: string
    • The path to save the downloaded file.


The POST HTTP method is unimplemented.


"sources": [
		"name": "Economy",
		"url": "",
		"type": "GET",
		"headers": {},
		"path": "Economy.xlsx"

Lync and Pronghorn released under LGPL 2.1